
Get Connected

There are Two types of groups at HP.

C Groups

C Groups are group opportuinities throughout the week for you to get Connected and build Community  with the body of Christ through Bible studies and fellowship gatherings. They are for everyone at any time. We have weekly C Group gatherings throughout the week. Check them out today! 

D Groups

D Group is a Discipleship Group of 3-5 believers who meet weekly (for 1-1.5 hours) for a season (12-18 months) of accelerated spiritual growth! These groups are built on Authenticity, Accountability that leads to Action. D Groups help one another live out the christian life by obeying the call Jesus has placed on our lives.

Groups Matter
Get Connected.

True life change happens in community, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why Groups exist—to bring people together for life change.

Lives Changed

“My life has changed forever because of the friendships I’ve made in my D Group this year. They helped me get through a tough season of my life.”